How to Create a Real Estate Marketing Strategy

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A real estate marketing strategy is a plan that outlines how you will reach your target audience and generate leads. It should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

11 Marketing Tips for New Realtors

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Member Login 11 Marketing Tips for New Realtors   If you’re just starting out running a real estate business, you can start off right if you understand the power of digital marketing and implement it accordingly. All you need is a website, an email list, and social media platforms to spread your message. Once you […]

Create Your Real Estate Marketing Strategy by Targeting Those that Matters

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Member Login How Do I Create Real Estate Marketing Strategy? When you are creating services, real estate marketing information, blog content, and really anything regarding your real estate business, it’s imperative that you understand exactly who your ideal clients are. These are truly the only people who matter when you create any type of product, service, video, […]

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