How to Earn Trust Through Online Real Estate Marketing

Member Login If you can get this one thing right you can explode your real estate business. It’s the one emotional marketing trick that you want to exploit and get right – getting your audience to trust you. Trust is the one emotion that makes your audience want to give you money, business, or ref. […]
A Realtor’s Guide to Generate Leads on Facebook

Life has got really competitive you know. So, how do you stand out of the competition and generate leads on one of the biggest social media platforms in the world? I’m sure you sometimes think a lot about how to stand out among other real estate agents and maximize profit. You do not need too […]
How Emotions and Client Loyalty Go Hand in Hand

Emotions affect every part of our lives. From our relationships to what we eat and what we buy, everything is affected by emotions, whether we realize it or not. If you want to be serious about your real estate marketing plan, you have to understand how to evoke emotions in your audience that encourages client […]
How to Build Relationships with Clients That Last

Member Login Building Real Estate Relationships with Clients That Last One of the ways a real estate business builds its brand is to tug at the emotions of their audience. The way a real estate agent and client work together and communicate can build long-lasting, meaningful relationships that turn clients into fans, and fans into […]
Using Real Estate Affirmations

Utilizing affirmations and some tools is a way to restrict criticism of yourself and other people. Affirmations help you in training your brain to be more about final results and to a lesser extent about quibbling. How we talk to ourselves really does regulate the type of energy we vibrate and what that draws into […]
The Reputation of a Real Estate Agent

Sign Up The Reputation of a Real Estate Agent Being in the real estate industry since I was 18 years old, I often get asked, “Why do real estate agents have a bad reputation?” The answer is pretty straight forward. Although, today I want to talk to you about how you can avoid having such […]
The Future of Online Real Estate Education

The Future of Online Real Estate Education We live in a world filled with millions of pages worth of information about a single topic. Where one can search for anything and everything online and 99.9% of the time, find an answer. There comes a time that we must stop and ask ourselves, is the traditional […]