If you can get this one thing right you can explode your real estate business. It’s the one emotional marketing trick that you want to exploit and get right – getting your audience to trust you. Trust is the one emotion that makes your audience want to give you money, business, or ref. Money is very personal and your audience must trust you to give you some of it. We know this from the difficulties that some real estate agents have generating leads online. Here’s how to earn trust through online real estate marketing.
Publish Relevant Content Regularly – Showing that you’re dependable will go far in helping to develop trust with your audience. If you publish blog posts, email newsletters, or other material regularly, it will prove that you’re in this for the long haul and this helps push you to an authoritative level and will lead to people entrusting you. For real estate marketing, an example of these can be a weekly market report, news in your farming area, or even your professional opinion about future market trends.
Tell Both Sides of the Story – When you are giving examples for anything, whether product or service, telling the pros and cons is always a good way to get people to trust you. If you are able to be truthful about the drawbacks of your own services or products or those that you recommend, your audience will get more authentic information. This also falls under your duty as a real estate agent to provide full disclosure in ant transaction.
Always Disclose Your Biases – If you’re reviewing a book, product, service, etc. it’s always important to tell the viewers the truth about any biases you may have. If you prefer to work with a closing company because you’ve worked with them before, state it. Let your clients know how this closing company can benefit them and what it’s done for you in the past. Not only will this help people trust you better, but it’s also the law.
Don’t Over-Pitch – When you always revert to sales language in all of your content, people get tired of it. They expect a sales tone when looking at a sales page, but not when reading a blog. Be very careful not to confuse the two. Yes, you want a call to action, but you also want to avoid turning away viable audience members. I’ve always said “market yourself as if you were talking to friends or family members, what language would you use?”
Rule of thumb, Under Promise & Over Deliver – the danger of sales pages is the possibility of overstating what the product or service offers or the problems it solves. Instead, ensure that you can deliver even more than they expected once they purchase. Why? Because you want them to buy from you again and you want them to tell others about you. Word of mouth is the ultimate way to get the trust of others.
[Learn How to Build Relationships with Clients That Last]
Show Your Face and Be Real – People trust those whom they can see. Online that can be more difficult, but if you post a picture or video of yourself and keep it updated, it will help them to trust you more. They’ll see you as a real person instead of as a heartless business entity.
Engage in Real-Time – Beware of too much automation when it comes to social media. A great way to earn trust through online real estate marketing is to engage with others in real-time. This will further the trust that your audience is developing for you. They will feel important when you answer questions personally and find ways to engage in real-time.
[How to Use Visual Content for Real-Time Engagement]
Make Videos – The next best thing to real life is a video. Videos help show what you know in a more personal setting. You can actually do an event live on Google Hangouts, then post the video later. This gives you the best of both worlds. Live engagement with the Google Hangout and recorded videos for others who missed it the first time around.
Developing trust is a process; it’s a long-term marketing strategy that will pay off again and again. When you get just one person to trust you, they will tell ten others, and those ten others will each tell ten more people. The trust will spread far and wide until the very mention of your business name will mean trust. Ok, maybe it won’t go that far, but you never know.
I hope you were able to get some valuable information about how to earn trust through online real estate marketing! As you now know, earning trust through online real estate marketing is crucial when it comes to successfully generating leads online. You are in this for the long run so it’s time we begin preparing for it! Please feel free to start a conversation and comment your thoughts below. Also, check out my Agent Tools page where I have compiled resources and recommendations for real estate agents like you, who are ready to take their real estate marketing one step further.
Founder & CEO
The Real Estate Marketing Masters
I began real estate at the age of 18, like many agents, this was not my first career choice. At 18, the world was still very new to me and the real estate industry even more so. I realized that in order to be successful in this industry you must surround yourself with the right people. I was blessed to have great mentors but I found a common problem among myself and my peers. The lack to lead generation skills. It is for that reason that I have decided to build this community and share my knowledge with the world.
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