The real estate industry is very volatile, it is always changing. While the general foundation stays the unchanged; for example, how the industry itself works, the market and means of connecting with potential clients, endlessly changing real estate laws and practices, the customer service element, and the increasing demands in the industry, it’s all a handful on its own. This is the reason that real estate mentors are mentoring their younger colleagues in the industry. Once the experienced meet the ‘rookies’, both parties can reap the rewards of this fruitful friendship. The importance of real estate mentors cannot be exemplified enough.
Mentoring is a system of informal guidance where one veteran of an industry shares his/her knowledge, skills and experience to assist others to progress in their own lives and careers. Should their apprentice come to them in need, mentors must be prepared and accessible, in the first place. Even mentors have their own mentors whom they attribute all their success to, and in turn their mentees might wish to ‘put something back’ and become mentors themselves, therefore it’s a chain of passing on good knowledge and experience. Mentoring can be a short-term arrangement or it can last many years. It’s more than just simply giving some advice, it’s about motivating and endowing a sense in the other person of being able to identify their own issues and goals, and empowering them to construct their own pathways for reaching.
Real estate marketing mentors help new agents grow and learn the ins and outs of the industry quicker and more effective. Real estate mentors not only help new agents advance in the industry but ultimately they also help the mentee grow mentally, emotionally, and financially. Having a mentor for real estate marketing is just as important as having a mentor to guide you through the process of a transaction. A marketing mentor can help you create a plan to create your marketing goals, help you strategize, customize your marketing message towards your audience and make sure that your marketing dollars are being used to its full potential with maximum return. In my experience, any of the agents that have mentors are usually more advanced than those who try to figure everything out on their own.
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In any line of work, mentoring relationships that are developed properly and implemented effectively are there to assist in the professional growth and development of both the parties involved. These relationships allow the participants to learn new skills under the direction and advice of a seasoned expert and in many cases, the mentor learns something valuable from the mentee. There are a number of organizations that implement mentoring programs in order to align the goals of the company with the professional development of its employees. However, it is a universal conclusion that the benefits of a positive mentor/mentee relationship are awe-inspiring.
Mentoring via a program or individually is a superb way for new realtors to adapt to the organizational structure and culture within the real estate field. Those serving as coaches and mentors within an organization gain personal and professional satisfaction by sharing their expertise with other employees. The Real Estate Marketing Masters believes wholeheartedly in finding a great mentor, so much so that we offer marketing mentorship to agents in our online marketing course as well. The response we get from the community is superb and we want to help out as many agents that are willing to look for help. Click here to learn more about our program and our coaching sessions.
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Furthermore, mentoring is best known for being able to boost employee and professional morale and engagement. Increased productivity and long-lasting professional relationships are few of the many advantages of a supportive atmosphere or positive relationship with an experienced mentor in the same industry. This is one of the primary reasons that so many companies now compare the costs of implementing a mentoring program against the exceptionally over the top cost of employee turnover to determine the benefits of coaching and mentoring.
I hope you were able to get some valuable information out of this article. In summary, we’ve discussed why it is important to have a real estate marketing mentor and how you can learn from industry leading experts. Please feel free to start a conversation and comment your thoughts below. Also, check out my Agent Tools page where I have compiled resources and recommendations for real estate agents like you, who are ready to take their real estate marketing one step further.
Founder & CEO
The Real Estate Marketing Masters
I began real estate at the age of 18, like many agents, this was not my first career choice. At 18, the world was still very new to me and the real estate industry even more so. I realized that in order to be successful in this industry you must surround yourself with the right people. I was blessed to have great mentors but I found a common problem among myself and my peers. The lack to lead generation skills. It is for that reason that I have decided to build this community and share my knowledge with the world.
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