Focus on Lead Generation When Others Don’t: For Real Estate Agents in a Slow Market

When the real estate market slows down, many agents panic and cut back on their lead generation efforts. This is a big mistake! In fact, it’s more important than ever to focus on lead generation during a slow market. This blog post will provide you with the strategies and tools you need to generate leads and stay ahead of the competition.
How Social Media Automation Can Help Your Real Estate Business

Social media is a powerful tool for real estate agents. Now, social media automation can help you save time, increase engagement, and improve your results.
3 Steps to Recruiting Real Estate Agents to Your Brokerage

When recruiting new real estate agents, think about this, What do agents need? What are their pain points? Focus on creating a strong powerful message filled with emotions.
Why You Need a Real Estate Marketing Coach

Agents struggle their first year in the business because of one main reason. They don’t have a real estate marketing coach! Here are 4 reasons why you need one.
8 Effective Online Real Estate Marketing Tips

In this digital era, you cannot just rely on simple practical marketing through posters or flyers on the street. Online marketing is the most effective way of promoting your business now a day.