If you’re just starting out running a real estate business, you can start off right if you understand the power of digital marketing and implement it accordingly. All you need is a website, an email list, and social media platforms to spread your message. Once you have that, you can then start to implement the the marketing tips for new realtors below.
You need to know exactly why you are doing what you’re doing, and that all starts with a goal. If you’ve set up goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely (SMART), it’ll be easy to track. Plus, it’ll make it easier for you to set up steps to take based on the goals you’ve set.
Search engine optimization involves both on-page and off-page methods to help your audience find you. These methods consist of using certain keywords in special ways all over your site. For example, using the right keywords in titles, alt tags, and headers on an article to help the search engines find you. Inside The Real Estate Marketing Masters course, we offer extensive help in understanding SEO and how you can leverage it as a new realtor.
Using keywords and keyword phrases is part of SEO but it’s not everything. However, the more you study keywords and phrases, the more content ideas you will come up with based on those keywords.
You want to publish a variety of new and original content, but you also want to share the content more than once after it’s published to ensure it gets all the attention it deserves and brings traffic to your site. This is especially useful if you have a generation tool on your website.
No matter what social platform you like to use (the one your audience is on), it’s just a tool to help you market your products and services. If your audience is there, you should be there too.
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No matter what they say, you do need to build your email list. You also need to invest in an autoresponder. This will enable you to send automated messages to your audience that can give them information, bring them back to your site, and help you promote your products.
Whether on your own social media platforms, a discussion board you’ve set up, or someone else’s, it’s a good idea to engage with them and participate in discussions online so that you can become recognized and advance thought leadership. These are marketing tips for new realtors that not many people are talking about. People have questions, give them answers!
Don’t bore your audience by only publishing text articles. Use images, infographics, video, and technology like interactive quizzes and assessments. You’ll get more attention and make your information stickier.
You don’t want communication to be one way only (you to them) as if you’re a lecturer. Instead, you want to work in a more collaborative way with your audience and respond personally to questions and concerns.
One way to establish trust and boost SEO is to ask your customers to review your products and give a testimonial. Use your autoresponder to help you get this done on a timelier basis.
Once you have a clear idea of who your audience is and your SEO and content are established, you’ll want to pay for advertising on your social platforms or via Google Ads. This is the fastest way to advance your business. However, you do need to fully understand it, so you may want to learn a bit about running online ads in The Real Estate Marketing Masters coaching program.
[Learn about 13 Real Estate Content Marketing Mistakes to Avoid]
Founder & CEO
The Real Estate Marketing Masters
I began real estate at the age of 18, like many agents, this was not my first career choice. At 18, the world was still very new to me and the real estate industry even more so. I realized that in order to be successful in this industry you must surround yourself with the right people. I was blessed to have great mentors but I found a common problem among myself and my peers. The lack to lead generation skills. It is for that reason that I have decided to build this community and share my knowledge with the world.
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